Creating Files
To create files and folders on a unix system you will need the following commands:
-- Create a directorytouch
-- Create a file (indirectly)rm
-- Remove a filemv
-- Move a folder (and rename)
Let's go back to your home directory, so type cd ~
Now let's make a folder called unix, to do this run this command
dave@[datadyne]:~/$ mkdir unix
Now let's go into the folder and make 2 files called file1 and file2 (original i know.)
dave@[datadyne]:~/$ cd unix
dave@[datadyne]:~/unix/$ touch file1
dave@[datadyne]:~/unix/$ touch file2
dave@[datadyne]:~/unix/$ ls
file1 file2
Assuming everything went as planned you should see 2 files in the output of ls
Touch also allows multiple file names on the same lines. When something comes
as a parameter to a command (file1 is the parameter we sent to touch) it is
called the programs arguments. We could have done this instead.
dave@[datadyne]:~/$ touch file1 file2
That would have had the same effect. Now we can rename file2 to file3, to do
this we can use mv
. And then, just for fun, let's delete those files.
dave@[datadyne]:~/$ mv file2 file3
dave@[datadyne]:~/$ rm file1 file3
We don't rm file2 because it has been moved to file3. Now let's move back to the home directory and remove the directory unix.
dave@[datadyne]:~/$ rmdir unix
I threw in as a bonus command, it only works if the directory you are
trying to remove is empty, otherwise you would have to use rm -r unix
. BE
, you can remove a lot of files with it in one command, and
there is no undo or Recycling Bin.