
Now that you know how the filesystem is laid out, you might be asking "that's great, but what can I do from terminal?". We are going to learn some useful commands to navigate the filesystem. The commands are:

It's important to remember that at all times in the bash shell, you are inside a directory. You are always inside a directory in bash. The pwd command is used to show which directory you are currently in. Assuming you are using bash, this should be your home directory.

Let's see what's in your home directory. Try typing ls and pressing enter. This will list all of the files and folders in the current directory.

dave@[datadyne]:~/$ ls
bin/   how to raid/  opt  scripts/        wireless/
code/  mpd.conf      pythonweb/  sabres/    temp/     viridianplayer/  www

My home folder has a lot of files in it, this is because anything I'm working on gets stored in my home directory. As you can see in my example the folders have a / at the right of them, and the files don't. If this doesn't show up for you try typing ls -p without the single quotes, and it should. I'll talk more about this later, but you gave the program ls the p switch, or the p option, which tells it to change the way it acts. Most programs have options, and the letters for each program for their options can vary.

Let's move up on level. To do this we need to take advantage of the fact that there are 2 special directories that exists inside every directory. These 2 special directories are .. and .. These are special because they are relative. . represents the current directory that you are in, and .. represents the parent folder of your current folder. If you wanted to reference a file called words.txt in the current directory, you could call it words.txt or ./words.txt, the computer will see them as the same thing. But we want to go up a level, so we will type cd ... This will change our directory to .., which moves us up one level. We started in /home/dave, and after the command we will be in /home.

dave@[datadyne]:~/$ cd ..
dave@[datadyne]:/home/$ pwd

Now that we are in /home we can run ls to see what folders exist in here.

dave@[datadyne]:/home/$ ls

You can see that inside /home, only a folder called dave exists (the folder we were just in!)

Now that you have some navigation commands down, let's move on to creating files.

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